

311.0K members
r/AstralProjection is a subreddit with 311.0K members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is size-huge, activity-high.
Welcome to world's largest Astral Projection community! We recommend keeping an OPEN MIND. Astral Projection (OBEs) is the direct experience of transferring awareness to NON-PHYSICAL realities in order to explore BEYOND the physical. Our focus is on the spiritual practice of Astral Projection, studies and discussions on non-local states of consciousness, and understanding Out-of-Body phenomena. This is a science AND an art. This space is NOT for debates, jokes, fiction, or creative writing.

Popular Topics in r/AstralProjection

General Question
: "If Astral Projection is real, why is it not more widely talked about? If this is real then that seems like it would be pretty significant to humanity."
36 posts
Almost AP'd and/or Question
: "I can see with my eyes closed?!"
32 posts
Successful AP
: "I think I found an almost 100% way to Lucid dream and astral project!"
26 posts
General AP Info / Discussion
: "Top 10 Lessons from a Scientific/Skeptic person who became a frequent Astral Traveler"
22 posts
Need Tips / Advice / Insights
: "How to get over fear of aliens"
17 posts
AP / OBE Guide
: "Working on a new direct method, some powerful results"
15 posts
OBE Confirmation
: "Somewhat skeptical, but I feel like I just brought back information."
10 posts
Positive AP Experience
: "My sleep paralysis turned into a beautiful psychedelic AP experience"
10 posts
Was This AP?
: "I think me and my 7yr old non verbal autistic son accidentally astral projected together last night"
5 posts
Question on How to AP
: "Want to ap tonight"
5 posts
Negative AP Experience
: "My father is actively dying 1500 miles away and I wish I could finally astral project and go there."
4 posts
: "Straight up music playing in my head before I zip out of my body"
4 posts
Dreams / Lucid Dreaming
: "Weird Dream"
4 posts
New to AP
: "Hi, I am a former atheist on a long journey to discover our final fate, and my research has brought me here"
3 posts
Proving OBEs / AP
: "I’ve doubted astral projection as I haven’t been able to do it myself, but I was reading docs on the CIA website about something else and found this."
2 posts
: "I just had my first OBE today and while I didn't get very far I wanted to animate the tunnel I saw!"
1 posts
: "New Joe McMoneagle interview on the Shawn Ryan show."
1 posts
AMA (Ask Me Anything)
: "Ask Me Anything AP related"
1 posts
AP Book or Resource
: "Can someone explain to me dimensions and how astral ties to that? Or suggest a book"
1 posts
Motivational / Inspirational Video
: "Shape Your Destiny Using Neville Goddard's Law of Assumption"
1 posts

Member Growth in r/AstralProjection

+-207 members(-0.1%)
+3K members(0.9%)
+34K members(12.5%)

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