

625.6K members
r/HomeworkHelp is a subreddit with 625.6K members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is size-huge, activity-crazy.
Need help with homework? We're here for you! The purpose of this subreddit is to help you learn (not complete your last-minute homework), and our rules are designed to reinforce this.

Popular Topics in r/HomeworkHelp

:Accept-icon: Answered
: "[8th Grade] How would I simplify this?"
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:snoo_facepalm: High School Math—Pending OP Reply
: "[Accelerated Algebra 2] How to solve number 4?"
49 posts
:snoo_facepalm: High School Math
: "[ grade 9] find X, y, z."
17 posts
:snoo_shrug: Middle School Math—Pending OP Reply
: "[S4 Eng. Sci.] I understand the reasoning on the left, but surely my way on the right is correct?"
9 posts
:snoo_biblethump: Additional Mathematics—Pending OP Reply
: "[ College Algebra ] How did we get to 8(x+4) = 24-3(x+3)?"
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:snoo_scream: Further Mathematics
: "[College Precalculus: Find Domain] Being asked to find the domain of the function."
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:hamster: Primary School Math—Pending OP Reply
: "[5th grade homework help]"
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:snoo_shrug: Middle School Math
: "[5th class] are these equal to each other"
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:snoo_surprised: Computing—Pending OP Reply
: "[Electronics: Wording of Binary question] I do not understand how to answer this, the drop-down menu lists 1-20 to select for each answer. am I missing something or is every answer just listed?"
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:table_flip: Physics
: "[Grade 9 Physics: ohms law practice] How do I find V of R4 assuming the battery outputs 10V?"
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:snoo_biblethump: Pure Mathematics—Pending OP Reply
: "[University Math: Honors Linear Algebra] How can I understand the question better? I'm not able to get what does | z - i | represent."
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:snoo_scream: Further Mathematics—Pending OP Reply
: "I’m about to just drop this class. [Intro to stat- Math 140- University]"
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:snoo_simple_smile: Literature—Pending OP Reply
: "[2nd grade language arts] rewrite passage using pronouns"
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:snoo: English Language
: "(2nd grade/phonics) How many sounds are in thrive?"
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:table_flip: Physics—Pending OP Reply
: "[A-Level Physics: Work, Energy, and Power] Why isn't it A? (See my comment)"
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:snoo_feelsbadman: Mathematics (Tertiary/Grade 11-12)—Pending OP
: "[Calculus] How do I find the integral?"
2 posts
:snoo_feelsbadman: Mathematics (A-Levels/Tertiary/Grade 11-12)
: "[A LEVEL MATH] How do they get the n-1 /2 on line 3?"
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:snoo_putback: Others—Pending OP Reply
: "[9th grade GK test] I've been trying for so long but I can't get it! Please help"
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:snoo_biblethump: Additional Mathematics
: "[university maths/stat] Can’t seem to figure out this stat questions, something to do with chi squared maybe?"
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:snoo: English Language—Pending OP Reply
: "[English] PLEASE HELP ME! You need to insert words into sentences"
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:snoo_putback: Others
: "[Biotech 1] I can’t fit words into places"
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:snoo_thoughtful: Chemistry—Pending OP Reply
: "[11th Grade Chemistry] Why is Letter C wrong and D the right answer?"
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: "[IAL PURE MATHEMATICS 3:DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS] Why can’t I cancel the two constant Cs out?"
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:snoo_thoughtful: Chemistry
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