

22.6M members
r/LifeProTips is a subreddit with 22.6M members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is size-massive.
Tips that improve your life in one way or another.

Popular Topics in r/LifeProTips

: "LPT: download your 23andMe results, then delete your data and account before the flagging company gets acquired."
37 posts
Food & Drink
: "LPT: Not into sports? Book a hard to get restaurant for Super Bowl Sunday"
27 posts
: "LPT: As a teenager or a young adult, the best thing you can do for your future is realize that navigating social situations is a skill that can and should be learned and perfected as early as possible in life. I learned it the hard way and have some tips for you in the text"
25 posts
Home & Garden
: "LPT: Take photos/videos of your ordinary and everyday life. Don't just wait for special occasions or vacations. Your best and most vivid memories will be of your real life."
22 posts
: "LPT: One of the skills of "adulting" is understanding problems start coming in groups as you get older, no longer one by one. You have to learn to deal with issues often concerning your personal life, professional life, health (physical and mental), family, and/or finances all at once."
16 posts
Careers & Work
: "LPT: Travel a lot for work, “bring” your kids to dinner."
13 posts
: "LPT: If you are in the market for televisions, visit a large trade show on the last day."
12 posts
: "LPT: For those that got a free trial to watch the Superbowl (like Paramount+), go ahead and cancel so that you don't forget and get charged"
11 posts
: "LPT: When travelling, especially internationally. Do not order salads"
10 posts
: "LPT: Cleaning out your extra junk has never been easier thanks to Facebook and Buy Nothing Groups"
9 posts
Arts & Culture
: "LPT: Tennis balls are highly abrasive to your dogs teeth. If your dog is obsessed with playing ball, opt for softer rubber options"
6 posts
: "LPT: If you use macOS and Google Chrome, you can clean up a dozen GBs of disk space by deleting old versions."
3 posts
Country/Region Specific Tip
: "LPT: For your grandparents (or older parents)'s safety: if an anonymous number calls you to inform that your son/daughter/niece is injured don't panic, it might be a fraud"
3 posts
School & College
: "LPT: Whenever your children get their group/classroom pictures from school, use a pen to write the first and last name of each student on the back of the photo."
2 posts
: "LPT Request: Used Car Shopping"
2 posts

Popular Posts in r/LifeProTips

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