

713.3K members
r/WorkReform is a subreddit with 713.3K members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is size-huge, activity-high.
Join r/WorkReform! Fight for a good quality of life for everyone who sells their labor!

Popular Topics in r/WorkReform

😡 Venting
: "The "Free Markets" The Wealthy Want. We Need To Stop Corporate Welfare And Handouts To The Rich!"
34 posts
📰 News
: "Overdraft fees are theft. Banks should be forced to pay reparations to their customers"
29 posts
✂️ Tax The Billionaires
: "The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90%"
22 posts
🤝 Scare A Billionaire, Join A Union
: "Not sure if you need a union? You need a union."
17 posts
❔ Other
: "Reaganomics Impact: Widening Divides"
15 posts
💸 Living Wages For ALL Workers
: "Sephora hits $10 billion in sales, gives employees a cookie as a reward. Cookies don't pay the bills - a union contract with enforceable wage increases do."
14 posts
💸 Raise Our Wages
: "Sounds like it's high time to unionize Burger King"
10 posts
: "Let's take grandma's advice and all go get a goddamn union"
9 posts
📅 Enact A 32 Hour Work Week
: "haha yes"
8 posts
📝 Story
: "PSA:"
8 posts
🛠️ Union Strong
: "This is happening to lots of jobs"
7 posts
✅ Success Story
: "This is how you set boundaries at work "
6 posts
⛓️ Prison For Union Busters
: ""Poor people are just jealous" is something only dumb people with rich parents say."
3 posts
💬 Advice Needed
: "Written up for *checks notes* underwear lines?"
3 posts
: "U.S. Corporations Are Openly Trying to Destroy Core Public Institutions. We Should All Be Worried | Trader Joe's, SpaceX, and Meta are arguing in lawsuits that government agencies protecting workers and consumers—the NLRB and FTC—are "unconstitutional.""
3 posts
⛔ Boycott!
: "After over a year, Macy’s still refuses to bargain on their insane $100-200/week healthcare & safety plans while cutting employee pay & benefits-All to boost profit margins during a possible buyout."
3 posts
🧰 All Jobs Are Real Jobs
: ""All Labor Has Dignity" - MLK, Jr."
2 posts
💸 $25 Minimum Wage Now!
: "Full-time minimum wage workers can’t afford rent anywhere in the US"
1 posts
💥 Strike!
: "We stand in solidarity with Newton, MA teachers who are being fined hundreds of thousands of dollars for striking 😡"
1 posts
📣 Advice
: "47 States Do Not Require Employers To Give Paid Vacation Time. Lobby Your Local Governments To Fix This!"
1 posts
💸 Talk About Your Wages
: "Annual performance reviews are coming up."
1 posts
🤝 Scare A Governor, Join A Union
: "Governor says she doesn’t want Alabama auto workers to unionize"
1 posts
Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud
: ""Everyone but an idiot knows that the lower classes must be kept poor, or they will never be industrious. They must be in poverty, or they will not work.""
1 posts
🍻 Support Striking Workers!
: "‘There won’t be any beer come March’: US Anheuser-Busch workers threaten strike"
1 posts

Member Growth in r/WorkReform

+-1195 members(-0.2%)
+1K members(0.2%)
+49K members(7.3%)

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