

287.7K members
r/adhdwomen is a subreddit with 287.7K members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is size-huge, activity-crazy.
This subreddit is a space for women to find support and discuss living with ADHD. If you would like to contact the mods, send us a modmail instead of DM-ing the moderators directly.

Popular Topics in r/adhdwomen

: "I wanna be "that" girl"
71 posts
General Question/Discussion
: "I was told in a kind way at work today that I need to stop oversharing."
38 posts
Tips & Techniques
: "I hate slowly filling laundry detergent cups and then slowly waiting for it to empty. I’ve had enough. Send me ur niche hacks"
17 posts
Funny Story
: "ADHD and "I don't even know if these are my boots" syndrome"
14 posts
Meme Therapy
: "I've become extremely isolated and rotting in bed everyday I don't work. I want to start a discord for girlies in the same boat."
12 posts
: "My daughter’s school day starts at 7:10 AM, and I can’t take it anymore."
11 posts
Celebrating Success
: "finally cleaned my bedroom after being on meds for a few months"
6 posts
Emotional Regulation & Rejection Sensitivity
: "Did not get recognized for defending dissertation"
5 posts
Cleaning, Organizing, Decluttering
: "Who else finds 💵 you accidentally hid from yourself when you finally go thru ur stuff?"
5 posts
School & Career
: "Crosspost from the nursing subreddit: Exam Violations for the certification I’m studying for 😂"
4 posts
Diet & Exercise
: "Hi everyone, what’s your current food fixation?? Mine is homemade chicken and gnocchi soup!"
3 posts
Self Care & Hygiene
: "Morning routine system that is ADHD friendly"
2 posts
Interesting Resource I Found
: "I am starting to organize my place so it’s ADHD friendly and hoping it will help my brain just make life a bit easier! Do I hate stuff being out on the counter, yes. But I need to visualize it; so I don’t forget I have these things."
2 posts
I made this! Art and Creative
: "Just finished this :)"
2 posts
Admin & Finance
: "About 4 months of unopened bills. Why do I do this?"
2 posts
Social Life
: "Does anyone say no to having house guests?"
1 posts

Member Growth in r/adhdwomen

+66 members(0.0%)
+8K members(3.0%)
+88K members(43.7%)

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