

38.9K members
r/DiagnoseMe is a subreddit with 38.9K members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is size-large, activity-high.
The Internet's walk-in clinic. Because going to a doctor would be too expensive.

Popular Topics in r/DiagnoseMe

: "Had my blood taken today, nurse pricked herself with the needle, shouted ‘ouch’ then proceeded to use the same needle to draw my blood…"
91 posts
Skin and nails
: "Bite(?) on foot"
22 posts
: "For a few years I’ve notice my right upper side of stomach sticks out more almost as if it’s extra fat. I have no pain and when I push in to feel I don’t feel any hard or soft lump. I asked another subreddit and they all said looks not good and could be a tumor or my liver. What does it seem to be?"
15 posts
Bones, joints, and muscles
: "What is this? I can hardly walk on this foot without pain."
9 posts
Chest and lungs
: "Fast and pounding heart after having beer or high sodium food"
6 posts
Infections and Illnesses
: "Help!"
5 posts
Ears, nose, throat, and mouth
: "Sudden decreased hearing loss"
5 posts
Mental Health
: "Am I really a narcissist?"
5 posts
: "What’s wrong with my eye? Really sore, red, and limbal ring looks misshaped"
4 posts
Brain and nerves
: "Should We Go Back To The ER"
4 posts
Kidneys, bladder, and genitals
: "M33 Every morning for over 10 years my urine is this frothy"
3 posts
Women's Health
: "I have this weird bump on my breast"
3 posts
: "What gave me this free lipfiller?"
3 posts
Injury and accidents
: "Cut myself pretty deep with scissors 14h ago. Will this heal fine or do I need to see a doctor?"
3 posts
Gut, bowel, and stomach
: "Idk why I frequently vomit"
3 posts
Child Health
: "Infection on baby’s finger-10monthold"
2 posts
: "Is blood pressure of 153/94 bad? I’m 20 years old."
2 posts
Heart and blood vessels
: "Lump in vein 7 weeks postpartum"
2 posts
: "Hypochondriac please reassure me"
2 posts
Children's Health
: "Brother just had a ct scan and these are the results"
1 posts
Men's Health
: "Welts all over my body"
1 posts
Senior Health
: "My grandmother's feet problem keeps persisting for 15+ years now, no doctor seems to know where it comes from and why it's still happening."
1 posts
Tests and investigations
: "32F hyperprolactinemia and still no answers... Time to accept my health as-is?"
1 posts

Member Growth in r/DiagnoseMe

+-6 members(-0.0%)
+742 members(1.9%)
+8K members(27.5%)

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