

266.4K members
r/microdosing is a subreddit with 266.4K members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is size-huge, activity-high.
This is a community for discussion pertaining to microdosing research, experiments, regimens and experiences. The most probable candidates for microdosing are psychedelics, but we encourage dialogue on the effects of any drugs at sub-threshold dosage. No sourcing of drugs allowed! Please have a look at the r/microdosing Sidebar ⬇️.

Popular Topics in r/microdosing

Question: Psilocybin
: "Shroom brings up my shit"
49 posts
: "Opened my microdosing capsule and found this — WTF?"
41 posts
Getting Started/Newbie Question
: "Is it possible to achieve "a sense of hope and relief" just by microdosing alone?"
38 posts
>< Just a Reminder ><
: "Reducing activity of the Default Mode Network"
24 posts
Report: Psilocybin
: "It’s definitely a Labor of Love"
17 posts
: "Microdoses of LSD show antidepressant effects in placebo-controlled study: researchers discovered that low doses of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) may have potential antidepressant effects in individuals showing mild to moderate depressive symptoms."
9 posts
Question: Other
: "Is it bad to do multiple micro doses a day?"
6 posts
Question: LSD
: "So I got some LSD tabs because I wanted to start trying to microdose it. This is what I got and I plan to test - It's like a gel tab but....not really? Anyway, after testing and if all good, what would be the best way to dissolve these?"
4 posts
Contribute to Research 🔬
: "Psilocybin (Shroom) Use Research: Anonymous Participants Needed!"
2 posts
Meme Mondays
: ""The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation but your thoughts about it." ~ Eckhart Tolle (@EckhartTolle)"
1 posts
🎨 The Arts 🎭
: "Leaf 2 -light LSD inspired painting, ink and acrylic"
1 posts
Report: LSD
: "I’m done for a long while"
1 posts
r/microINSIGHTS 🔍
: "‘Microdosing psychedelics will change the world for the better when enough people do it.’ | Microdosing Journal ☯️☮️♎️"
1 posts
Shit Post
: "SNL Sketch about the dangers of microdosing"
1 posts
Report: Other
: "Microdising ketamine"
1 posts
Microdosing Tools & Resources
: "Harvard professor’s 6-step guide to zen (8m:18s*): 1. Impermanence; 2. Suffering; 3. Mindfulness; 4. Attachment; 5. Metta; 6. Beginner’s Mind | Robert Waldinger | Big Think [Dec 2023]"
1 posts
Mod Post
: "Dr Phil 2023 May 04 Full Show "Moms on Mushrooms""
1 posts

Member Growth in r/microdosing

+-76 members(-0.0%)
+2K members(0.7%)
+31K members(13.3%)

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